Saturday, November 12, 2011


I know I'm a little behind on posting about Halloween but better late then never. Peyton had told me that she wanted to be a cheerleader this year but one day we were looking through a catalog with costumes and we saw this adorable Little Bo Peep costume with a little sheep costume to go with it. I fell in love with it and Peyton said that she wanted to be it if Devynn could be the sheep.

I wasn't sure if Devynn was going to like it. She's not very good about keeping headbands or hats on so I thought she would hate the hood. She actually loved it! She didn't try to take the hood off at all. 

On the Friday before Halloween Peyton's school had their Halloween parade. It is always fun going to the school and seeing all the kids in their cute costumes. Peyton really wanted Devynn to walk around with her but Devynn just isn't a fast enough walker yet. She couldn't keep up with all the big kids.

The girls had so much fun trick-or-treating. Peyton always wants to go to every house in our neighborhood and it is a pretty big neighborhood so we are always out pretty late. I can't believe how much candy she got this year. She had to go through it all when we got home to see everything she got. 

We had an awesome Halloween and can't wait to do it again next year!!!

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